Classic Soft & Fluffy Cinnamon Rolls Recipe 2024

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Simple, fluffy, soft cinnamon rolls that are incredibly delicious and gooey! The ideal time of year to start baking this recipe, which covers everything from the dough made with all-purpose flour to the frosting, baking, and cinnamon butter.

To put that in perspective, I was 14 years old, on a trip to Dubai, and I was idly meandering about the Dubai Mall. If you're not familiar, Dubai Mall is one of the biggest shopping centers in the world. As such, just going to the mall is an exercise in and of itself, and after all that walking, I was obviously exhausted and hungry. There was a faint smell of cinnamon and vanilla in the air, and it came from the food court. I "wafted" toward the aroma, having no control over what I was doing. I didn't eat a cinnamon bun until I got to Cinnabon, the holy grail of cinnamon buns.

Since then, I've tasted cinnamon buns in a lot of bakeries, cafes, and restaurants, but I have to say that homemade cinnamon buns or rolls are the best. Their taste is unlike anything else I've had. Although they are not difficult to put together, they do require some work. Having said that, preparing them doesn't require a high level of technical proficiency or expensive ingredients or tools. Save for a little patience, this recipe is easy to make and doesn't demand anything from you. The following are some frequently asked questions concerning cinnamon rolls:

What is a cinnamon roll?

Made with dry yeast, milk, sugar, all-purpose flour, butter, eggs, and baking powder, cinnamon rolls are sweetened yeasted bread that are flattened out, spread with cinnamon butter, cut into slices, and rolled into scrolls before being baked until golden and risen. It has a glaze or cream cheese frosting on top.

Now, What is the difference between cinnamon rolls or cinnamon buns?

I use the terms "cinnamon rolls" and "cinnamon buns interchangeably, but I've noticed that when cooked, cinnamon rolls are pulled apart like yeasted bread because they bake into each other. For a single cinnamon bun, you can bake the buns in separate muffin tins or with space between them. The only distinction I can find between them is that there is no science involved; all the ingredients and tools required to manufacture them are the same.

What are cinnamon rolls filling made of?

The traditional filling for cinnamon rolls consists of butter, brown sugar, cinnamon powder, and a small amount of salt. However, there are numerous versions of this recipe that include different ingredients including cocoa powder, cardamom powder, and castor sugar, as well as flavors like peanut butter, pistachio paste, and Nutella.

Is cinnamon roll a dessert?

Typically eaten for breakfast, brunch, or as a tea snack, this sweet yeasted bread might be classified as a dessert. Additionally, you might serve them at any time of day.

What country is known for cinnamon rolls?

Sweden is well-known for its cinnamon rolls, which are native to the country. In particular, Kanelbulle is the source, and October 4th is designated as a national holiday in honor of it. Of course, they are found all over the world; in fact, Sweden continues to have the greatest rates of both production and consumption, with some of the highest in America.

What makes cinnamon rolls better?

Best components are necessary for good cinnamon rolls. To ensure that the dough is soft and buttery like brioche, use high-quality butter and eggs when making it. But use the nicest cinnamon you can get for the filling. The greater the flavor, the better the cinnamon.

What do you eat with cinnamon rolls?

You can eat cinnamon buns plain, dipped in simple syrup, covered in icing, or drizzled with glaze. These rolls are sweet and go well with a warm beverage to wash them down with every bite. They are typically served with coffee or tea.


How do you eat cinnamon rolls?

There's no right or wrong method to eat cinnamon rolls; some people prefer to unroll them and consume the dough, while others like to eat them with a fork and knife. They are yours to devour however you like. For maximum delight, I like to eat them warm with my hands and bite into them.

Are cinnamon rolls eaten hot or cold?

Although serving them cold is optional, warm is the ideal temperature for them. Depending on the recipe, some rolls may become tough after chilling. Before serving, I believe they should always be quickly reheated for a few seconds to allow the butter to seep.

Can you make them vegan & gluten free?

There is no way to make this recipe gluten free. I've tried using all-purpose gluten-free flour, but the texture is just different, so I wouldn't recommend it in this case. Use any plant milk and plant-based butter for the dough and cinnamon spread to make these dairy-free alternatives.

Tips for the best cinnamon rolls: 

  • Bloom yeast don’t kill it
  • Don’t add more flour
  • Cutting the dough into slices
  • Use correct size pan
  • Rise in peace don’t rush it
  • Watch out for over baking 
  • Baking soda regulates the dough’s pH, helping it brown in the oven
After going over these fundamentals, let's examine the components, tools, preparation process, and some troubleshooting tips:


What ingredients do you need to make these Classic Soft & Fluffy Cinnamon Rolls?


All-purpose flour gives these rolls the best texture, in my opinion; they turn out incredibly airy and soft. You could use bread flour, but the texture the next day would be a touch chewy.

Dry yeast 

Although active dry yeast can also be used, I have used instant dry yeast. I have not tried this recipe with fresh yeast; please report back to me if you give it a try.


A small amount of castor sugar is needed for the dough, but you can instead use honey or granulated sugar. This improves the yeast's ability to bloom while also sweetening the dough. Brown sugar is also required to prepare the filling; once baked, the brown sugar gives the filling a flavor akin to caramel, so I wouldn't suggest substituting it with any other type of sugar.


The milk needs to feel comfortable to the touch. Once the dough is thoroughly mixed, this aids in the activation of the yeast and initiates the creation of gluten. The yeast won't be activated by cold milk.


Both the filling and the dough require butter. This is not the recipe to measure your waist size. The butter in the filling adds flavor and helps the cinnamon get gooey and oozy after baking, while the butter in the dough keeps it soft like a brioche.


Yogurt is added to the dough to give it a delicate, sensitive baked texture. An egg would work just as well; the results are the same.

Baking powder & Baking soda

This may sound strange, but it keeps the bread soft and light after baking.

Cinnamon powder 

Cinnamon powder is essential for making cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon must be added to the filling. Here, I wouldn't skimp on the cinnamon's quality because better cinnamon rolls are made with better cinnamon.

Vanilla & Salt

Although I view these as seasonings, they are a necessary component of the dough. Both are quite little in quantity, but they are very effective.


My cream cheese topping is similar to a glaze mixed with frosting. It's flawless, tasty, and rich. Cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, and salt are required.

What equipment do you need to make these Classic Soft & Fluffy Cinnamon Rolls?

To make things easier on your hands, you might prepare this in a stand mixer. Alternatively, you might use an electric dough mixer. I like to make these by hand because it's easy and relaxing. To roll out the dough and let it proof, you'll need a big mixing bowl and a roll pin. A pizza cutter or sharp knife is also required for cutting the dough into scrolls. I bake these rolls in the oven on a 9 x 13-inch sheet, but you could make them in smaller quantities. They will take longer to bake and may overflow in the oven if you bake them in a small tin. A whisk and mixing bowl are needed to make the frosting.

How to make these Classic Soft & Fluffy Cinnamon Rolls?

First, we combine the sugar, milk, and yeast in a sizable mixing basin. Until foamy, let this sit for ten to fifteen minutes. Mix together 4 cups flour, butter, yogurt, vanilla, and salt. It's okay if the dough is a little sticky after 2 to 3 minutes of kneading; you can use a wooden spoon or oil your hands if necessary. If using a stand mixer, give it a minute or two to mix. Place a lid on the bowl and let it to proof in a warm area for an hour.

While waiting, prepare the cinnamon butter by combining the butter, brown sugar, and salt and mixing until well blended. Set away. After an hour, combine the baking powder, baking soda, and a little amount of one cup flour at a time. Knead the mixture by hand for ten minutes or in a mixer for four to five minutes. Continue adding flour as needed; one cup is a good starting point, and you shouldn't require more. After covering the dough and letting it sit for ten minutes, transfer it to the bowl, flour the surface, and roll out the dough to a rectangle with a thickness of between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. Using an offset spatula or butter knife, evenly spread the cinnamon filling on top. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces with a pizza cutter, then roll each piece separately to ensure clean cooked edges.

Place each roll in three columns on a 9 by 13-inch baking tray. For fifteen minutes, cover and let them proof. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until golden and risen, after preheating the oven to 180°C and positioning the tray in the center of the oven. Once baked, they will continue to cook in the hot pan, so watch them closely to prevent drying out. Whisk the ingredients together until they become a creamy frosting. While the rolls are still warm, spread a layer over them. Enjoy with tea or coffee after serving!

What to do if the dough is too sticky while kneading?

The dough will remain sticky after the first proof; you can counteract this by adding extra flour and baking powder. When working with the dough, exercise patience and let it absorb the flour before adding more than is called for. The dough should be less sticky and easier to work with after adding the baking powder and one cup of flour. That's what the flour will help with. Different types of flour absorb different amounts, which causes some to be stickier than others. However, I would advise adhering to the given measurements.

Why are my cinnamon rolls not fluffy?

Either the flour was out of date, the yeast must have expired, or the dough was not given enough time to prove. Depending on the temperature, moisture content, and humidity, they may occasionally take longer to proof than expected. Therefore, to determine when to knead, observe the dough's doubling in size rule, which can occur in 30 minutes in a hot climate and in 2 hours in a cold climate. Avoid overbaking these as they may become dry.



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